The Path to Extraordinary Results™

Lead Sober and the Path to Extraordinary Results™ was created on a foundation of integrity, transparency, and an unwavering dedication to helping high-performing leaders challenge traditional thinking by healing their consequential relationship with alcohol to lead forward with clarity.

A powerful and effective confidential coaching program, Lead Sober is designed to get straight to the core of any challenge and effect rapid change.

Breaking through the mindset of ‘just a couple,’ Lead Sober clearly shows you how liberating it can be to step away from alcohol altogether and become the leader the world is meant to have. The Path to Extraordinary Results™ coaching program is a compilation of lessons learned from great leaders who have learned to redefine their relationship with alcohol. 

Executives and leaders have responsibilities that present unique stressors. They carry the responsibility and extreme pressure of making real-time decisions that can potentially affect the positive or, in some cases, negative outcomes of many lives. Because of this, many turn to alcohol to deal with the emotional strain and anxiety of balancing a personal and work life, oblivious that an unhealthy relationship with alcohol perpetuates the very stressors they are trying to avoid.

Through dynamic executive one-on-one coaching, you will be given the tools you need to create a life trajectory filled with ignited purpose, passion, and excellence without alcohol. 

Join the most inspired community of leaders in the world!

We look forward to supporting you.