lead sober alcohol addiction coaching

Leadership Spotlight: Hilary Phelps


Alcohol addiction can often feel like a dark secret you have to hide from the world. However, suffering in silence is not the only option. Looking to the right sober leaders for guidance and embracing an open, honest approach to sobriety can provide a path forward and help set an example for others who are facing similar challenges. Allowing your …

online sober coaching

Leadership Spotlight: Annie Grace


Sober living doesn’t have to mean enduring an internal struggle to stay sober every day. With the right mindset and powerful sober coaching, you can overcome the desire to drink, and create a brand new life full of opportunities. Once we let go of shame and blame, readjust our mindset, and take a positive approach to leading sober, we can …

sober living

Leadership Spotlight: Ben Azadi


Sober Living is about taking bold steps to improve your life, focusing on prioritizing your wellbeing and happiness, and holding yourself accountable for your choices. But going further to become a sober leader involves not just looking out for yourself, but also being an inspiration for others, lifting them up, and helping them thrive as you build an empowered community …